Organizing Every Room With Decorative Storage Boxes

Posted by kathy stanton on

I don’t believe that organizing comes naturally to everyone; it certainly doesn’t come naturally to me, but I do think that everyone appreciates an organized space because it creates more room and can have a calming effect in your day-to-day life. It may seem like a daunting task, but the truth is it’s not all.

Organizing is as easy as separating all like-things and collecting them together in one place.

In a closet, for instance, you’ve got sweaters, tee-shirts, exercise clothes, purses, scarves, etc. The separating step is important because it helps you visualize how much storage space you need for each group. It can be surprising to see all these items piled together, you may even realize you have too much of one item or that certain items haven’t been worn in a long time and can be donated. Voila - you’re already making more room!

The same goes for your office, craft or wrapping closet, garage, etc., you start by separating all like-items in piles. After separating you’ll get an accurate idea of how much you have of each type of item and a better sense of what size containers you need.

Now on to the fun part - shopping for containers! The possibilities for decorative storage boxes and containers are endless. You can find our decorative storage boxes online, or at the Container Store. You may want a decorative storage box in your closet but might not want that same look for your garage. You’ll probably want a different decorative storage box, (or maybe baskets) for your kid's rooms and toys.

One of the reasons I love our archival, decorative storage boxes is their flexibility. With some stickers, paint or colored tape you can customize our great looking Kraft-colored boxes to suit your own style, indicate what’s inside, or separate for each member of the family…..even Fido can have a box! My husband likes them stacked in his office and closet just as they are - no decorative storage boxes for my guy.

I should point out that although organizing is easy, trying to do your whole house in a weekend could be overwhelming. You want to give yourself enough time so that it’s an enjoyable process, so break it up over days or weekends; think of it as a gift you are giving yourself!

If you've got questions, please feel free to contact me, Kathy, directly at or 310-625-6025 and to see our full line of Archival, acid free storage please click here 

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